Our Vision

Thank you for visiting the Kesennuma Knitting website. Kesennuma Knitting produces and markets hand-knitted cardigan and pullover sweaters in the port town of Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture - an area devastated by the March 11, 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Kesennuma Knitting began in June, 2012, as an aid project of the Hobonichi. It was incorporated in June, 2013, to help foster long-term local independence and become a support system that would continue after temporary reconstruction assistance for communities damaged by the 3/11 disaster ends.
The vision of Kesennuma Knitting are.

To create jobs that people can be proud of

To be involved in work that results in products truly appreciated by others is at the very core of human dignity. 
We hope to weave these feelings of satisfaction into the Kesennuma community.

To share “happiness” with our customers

We want to share all the joy that comes from knitting through the products we design, knit and deliver, so that people will appreciate our sweaters for years and generations to come.

To financially assist the local community

Kesennuma is still suffering from the effects of the 3/11 disaster, and it will take years for the community to completely recover. We want our organization to be a system that contributes financially to the local community.
To be appreciated all over the world
We hope to make products which could be appreciated not only in Japan but worldwide.  We would like the name “Kesennuma” to be globally recognized for superbly designed, high quality knitwear.

Tamako MITARAI CEO Kesennuma Knitting Co., Ltd.